Sunday, December 14, 2008

How to Create Collage?

Most of the time, I use Picasa 3. Some of my friends like Ila, use Photoscape or some may use Photomix. Some of you may ask, what about Adobe Photoshop? Er.. I'm not so good at it. I just know basic things about Adobe Photoshop. So, since I'm a beginner in editing pics, I prefer Picasa 3. Some of my friends have been asking me, how to use Picasa. So I gez it's better for me to explain a little about this.

So, first thing first, you have to have a Picasa dulu la kan.. Which you can download it from here. And it's free. No worries! Once you've complete downloading it, it will automatically scan your computer for all your pics. It will add it in there.

: A is your album list, B - your previous collage and C is where your album start :

Basically, that is how it looks like. Guys, sila abaikan kecacatan bulatan merah tu eh.. =p.

Then, you can simple choose your pics and click "Collage"

: A will show the pics you choose, and B is the button you should click :

:Another A, B and C :

A is the Setting where you can choose whether you want your collage to be in a Picture Pile style, Grid, Mosaic, Frame Mosaic, Contact Sheet or even Multiple Exposure (which look like a super impose je..). In my collage, I usually use Picture Pile. B is the frame that you want for each photo (I choose instant camera) and please notice C where you can resize and reangel your picture. Boleh senget-sengetkan, besarkan or kecikkan. Bear in mind that B and C is only applied ONLY when you choose picture pile. For other style there's only "Grid" which you can adjust to put a gap between pictures.

: The background option :

For the background, you can choose whether you want it to be a solid color (just like the previous picture that show you black as the background) or any picture as the background. So again, it's your choice. After I choose one picture to be the background, I usually delete it from the collage, will left three picture then. If you are not satisfied with the picture arrangement or with the picture itself, you can click the button below the collage - where you can scramble collage, shuffle picture and you can view and edit every single picture you have. When you're done, click "Create Collage" button (it's under the big red circle on the left hand side).

: Basic Fixes, Tuning And Effects :

You can click those three tools and apply it to your collage and see how it works. Cut it short, I like to apply some effects on my collage.

: Example - I apply some "Focal B&W" :

A - You can adjust the size of the focal point and how sharp you want the circle to be. B - You can also adjust where you want your focal point to be. When you're done, click Apply (circle C).

: Saturation :

Then I choose saturation to make the object in my focal point looks lighter. You can adjust how light or clear you want it to be.

The final result? Ta-ta-daaa...

: The Final Outcome :

That's how I make my own collage. I hope I'd helped you to make your own. For a beginner like me, this is a lil' something. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Till then, happy making collage and enjoy blogging with some cool piccas!!

4 thought(s):

mardeq said...

wan.. thanks..thanks.. memang la aku nk cari pun benda x tahu macam maner derang buat.. ika pun ader guna gak ni.. PICASA 3, ok.. thanks dude.

Lady said...

hehe..pehni mesti menarek post ko kan..sile add more collage pasal DPA eh.. gegaye aku takde camera laaa masa tuh~ no worries beb. takde hal~

Anonymous said...

That looks easy! will try that!

Lady said...

hehe..easier than adobe photoshop of course~ please try. it wont let u down. =D