Monday, February 2, 2009

That Was Only A Dream

Today, I woke up with tears in my eyes. My pillow got wet.
Then I realized..
I cried in my sleep. It was just a dream but I felt so real.

I'm scared.

So scared.

I looked at my watch. It's 530 in the morning. I wasn't sure, Was it
a sign of something? Was it real?

I don't quite remember how and why does it happen. But in that
dream, I was crying. Dear had just passed away. He was lying and
there were a lot of people reciting Yassin. I just got back from
somewhere. I couldn't remember.

It was soo dramatic. Soo like in a drama.

But it seemed real. To me.

When I woke up, I could see he's still sleeping. He's still beside me.
I'm so relieved. And thankful that he's still breathing. Glad that it
was just a dream.

When he was siap-siap to go to work earlier on, I couldn't say a word.
I kept on saying "Take care dear" "Hati-hati tau". I didn't tell him
about the dream.

What if it's true?
How would I live without him around?

I can't think more. That would make me shed into tears. Again.


I never say this frequently, but I just wanted you to know that deep
down my heart, I'm so glad that I'm yours and I truly love you.
Thanks so much for taking good care of me.

If I die tonight, I know you'll smile when you read this. =D

p/s: So teringat the P/S I love You movie. I read the book and I watched the movie too. I think I'd prefer the book than the movie. It touches my heart more than the movie. Heart Cecilia Ahern~

After he got back from work, I start to cari pasal with him. :D I gez it's juz the way of me showing love to him. Love cari pasal with you, And love you most when I failed to make you mad at me.Wonder how can you stand me. Hihikhik. I love you dear. I really do! *Hugsssssszzzz*

7 thought(s):

salida amran said...

me too takut gaks kehilangan orang2 yang dalam zone selamat tue...abah, ibu n soulmate...rasa masih belum bersedia kehilanagn..n jangan kata kehilangan, even berjauhan for a long time pun belum sedia...
sayangilah mereka dengan apa jua cara sekalipun...

Lady said...

Itula..i've gone through dis. Loosing my dad was so giving me huge impact. Apatah lagi if I loose my mom. Or even worse if I lost him. I didnt mean to say dat I love him more than mama, but his d one who always here with me. Closer to me now la since mama is at Kampung. hehe.

Seriously, Im so scared of loosing anyone of them~

Im now praying for your life, may God keep you healthy and happy.

thesweetlittlecat said...

dun dream like dat nemore ok!!!!
mayb u r tired...

mardeq said...

mungkin pressure dan penat kot..
dah.. dah.. jgn sedey-sedey lagi eh..
it just a dream dear...
cheer up..


yada said...
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Lady said...

Kiera: Tula..Im daymn scared n cried a lot..huh..cant imagine..cant imagine.. thanks..

Madeq: Thanks beb..tu la..aku rasa aku tido tak basuh tak mandi? hurm..lupa..? hehe

nurul: Itu la..i pon musykil..dear siap buat lawak lagi bila i btau dia about the dream. sungguh men'spoil'kan mood sedey~

anyway, u take care k. i dah emel u dah..

guys, thanks so much..

*big hugssss*

yada said...

dunnola, i penah baca somewhere, kalau mimpi org tu meninggal dia actually nak kawin, tapi tak boleh apply la, cos ive been dreaming the same tapi takde ape pun bie..

its just a dream, afterall dah penat, tapi subconcious mind tak mo berehat time kita lelap... jadi camtu la.. :)

jangan pk lagi!