Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Apa Ada Di KK?

Rasa macam best pulak tulis macam tu.. hikhik.

Sebenarnya, I'm counting days. Tinggal lagi satu hari je lagi nak keje for this week. Then I'm off to Kota Kinabalu~ Yayy!!!! Yippiekiyay~

Ouh, Sorry beb. Lupa pulak. "We" actually. Me and my bestie. Kindda ladies days out. Well, thanks to dear (who letting me go) and Air Asia for the promotion. OMG! I can't help talking about the promotion. Go guys~ You should think about going for a holidays. I mean, seriously, Air Asia offers the best price so far. Can you imagine, I only got the tix (including the tax, this and that PLUS accomodation for FOUR days [including brekfes tau]) for ONLY RM300??? From KL to KK man.. I don't know about you guys, but I'm way to excited with it. Ngeeeee.. :D

Iklan: Ouh, ouh, and now they're having another promotion. Go get your tix man!!! Go! go! go!

I'm so excited and I already dapat the approval for cuti today~ Ahah! Bestnye... *If you only knew how hard for me to get even sehari cuti*

So, basically we kindda have few plans to do there. Luckily we have lotsa frens there to accompany us. We plan for Island Hopping, seafood eating (sampai kembung perut), shopping, Kinabalu Park, and ouh, did I mention about lepaking by the beach? How I L.O.V.E beach!

I need air~ I need air.. Talking too much about our plan really make me need to gasp for air.. Oxygen! Oxygen! Terujaaaanyaaa~ We'll spend our time there till Monday.


I need some infos.. (ada sesapa tawu tak..)

[1] Kat mana makan seafood best eh?
[2] ABC best?
[3] Sabah ada cendol tak? hehe.. craving for cendol Sabah, boleh?
[4] Should I or should I not go for white water rafting? Macam nak pegi, tapi tak cukup orang.. (Er..nak pegi ke Izdi?)

Er..dat's all kot..sesapa ada any plans to do lagik kat sana? So far, we don't really have any plans lagi for Friday.. Not really takde, tapi tak sure.. Eheh~

Idea guys....


8 thought(s):

yada said...

air asia mmg best..

sekarang kita boleh terbang.. yeeeahhh! hehe..

murah kan 300 to kk, my medan trip 287 incl flight tic & tempat tido..

gila cheap air asia ni!

alamak, ingat u go with ur dear, rupanya ditinggalkan.. ape daaaa...

dunno much la nak suggest, cos pegi trip dah sesiap itinerary nya.. zaman awal2 uni dulu..

but i bet u gonna have a lot of fun.. for me, tido dalam hotel kat dlm kl pun kira exciting, haha..

apetah lagi kat tempat org, amik pic banyak okeh... :)

eh sourbenir jgn lupa :)
i kan kira bestfriend u gak kan sekarang.. haha..

yada said...

pursuant to ur post ni, i rather think ramai yg akan mintak you sourbenir, but i first kan..

haha, priority ok!

Lady said...

Haha..u ni klakar laa..ok la..ok laa..i get u some er..pasir putih tepi panti sabah buleh? hehe. then i letak chantek2 dalam man~

how come ur trip to medan cheaper than me one??? *saje je tanya..=D*

Lady said...

Ouh..sebinier eh..ahaha..i bagi u sekilo pasir..then sape minta lagi i bagi 800g pasir..700g pasir..500g pasir..sampai la sebutir pasir..hikhikhik.

*untung air asia dapat penumpang macam i. harus nak bayar banyak for baggage*. hihi

salida amran said...

eh, en. wan man itu tidak ikut kah?...alaaa
jaga diri bebaik n have fun lah yer..
ummm camna accomodation fee leh include ngan tiket? air aisa hotel ke?

Lady said...

Bukan la ila..tu air asia punya pakage. ada..cuba tengok kat website dia.. hehe.

Sekali sekala pegi keluar dengan gelfren tak salah.. =D Wan man tannak ikut n bia wanita-wanita best ni pegi ronggeng *disamping celebrate bday izdi tuh dengan seseorang kat sana* hahah

p.s. jangan marah aa izdi~

yada said...

eh pasir je? em boleh jela,haha...

ala, kira ok la kk 300, sebab u'll be travelling within malaysia, still pakai rm, kira murah la... salu harus dalam 600 kot...

kalau medan tu pegi ke indon, duit dia murah so mmg berbaloi la...

got the idea tak.. ke cam konpius.. haha.. i nak cakap pun cam pening...

Lady said...

haha..dapat..dapat..tu la..been planning to go to indon plak. year plak kot..hihihi. nak souvenir jugak~ huhuhu