Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day without Father

I missed my late dad. Seriously. Dah la harini kat tv semua movie pasal kasih seorang ayah. (T_T)

Hurm.. Rasa macam baru je bercakap dengan abah.. Kalau dulu-dulu, tak tau la kenapa, tapi jarang rasanya aku membeli hadiah or plan to celebrate Father's Day. But now it's too late kan. For presents and celebration I mean. It's never too late to always remember your daddy and pray a lot for him.

Anyway, tak tau apa aku meraban now. I just miss him so badly. To those who still have a dad, pick a phone and call him now. Tell him how much you love him before it's too late~

To all dads out there,


4 thought(s):

khasyikelvin_ said...

selamat hari bapa
untuk bapa2 di seluruh dunia.

p/s:al-Fatihah buat bapa2 yg telah tiada. tsk!

Lady said...


khasyikelvin_ said...

cik ian pun
windu arwah abah.

Lady said...

huhuhu..itu laa..kita serupaaaa~

alfaatihah jugak untuk ayah cik ian