Friday, June 19, 2009

Allergy And Bun In The Oven?

Hi ladies~

I just wanna share something.

I don't feel good even today is Friday and it's one day to go for another weekend and I should be happy and enjoying Friday as I don't hafta go to work tomorrow.

But I just don't feel it.

I walked to the car and drove to the office with my straight face. My itchy-half face is almost killing my day.

I need to go for a second check up laa..

Boo calamile lotion.

Boo the pills.

They don't work on my face.

I slap you dem calamile and pills!

p/s: Funny thing is, Tina said that I might be pregnant. Hahaha.. Chill babe~ I don't think I am~ Hehe.. Just to think of my twins to really come, is really making me happy~ Wheeeee.

I'm using The Secret.

2 thought(s):

khasyikelvin_ said...

can't wait to
see u being a mom!

p/s: nak2 dpt twins. la la la

Lady said...

hahha..nanti boleh la cik ian datang tolong jagakan baby.. hahaa..or u can open a nursery too~


doa2kan la ye semoga ianya adalah twin. Kalau tak pon, syukur apa yang ada. hahaha.