Friday, November 28, 2008

Pregnant Kah?

Sebagai menyahut cabaran sahabat saya, kali ni saya akan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia SEPENUHNYA. Ya, SEPENUHNYA. =)

Pejam celik..pejam celik..sekarang dah hampir masuk bulan Disember. Ini menandakan sudah genap lima bulan saya jadi isteri. Menarik tak menariknya menjadi seorang isteri ni, Banyak yang saya belajar dalam tempoh lima bulan ni. Mungkin masih baru untuk saya cakap banyak mengenai perkahwinan, tetapi walau macamanapun, saya ada 'tiket' untuk bercakap mengenai perkahwinan.

Boleh dikatakan setiap hari, akan ada orang yang bertanya,

"Cik Wan, dah berisi ke belum?"


"Sudah ada rezeki?"

atau mungkin

"Lain macam je nampak..ada apa-apa dah ke?"

Walau berapa banyak bentuk pertanyaan yang dilemparkan, maksudnya tetap satu. Dan saya pun ada SATU jawapan kepada seribu bentuk soalan, YAKNI :-

"Tak. Saya masih tidak mengandung. Er..mungkin perut saya makin moncet, tetapi itu bukanlah tanda-tanda saya mengandung.. Elo kawan..meh saya cerita apa tanda-tanda orang mengandung ya~"

MENGANDUNGKAH ANDA? Meh, kita periksa!

  1. Bagi wanita-wanita yang mempunyai kitar menstrual yang normal, senang sangat nak kesan samada dia mengandung atau tidak, iaitu tiba-tiba saja dia tak datang haid. Kalau datang bulan pun mungkin sedikit lewat daripada biasa, atau mempunyai pendarahan yang sedikit berbanding biasa.

  2. Bagi sesetengah wanita, akan mengalami pembengkakan buah dada dan puting. Ini disebabkan oleh perubahan hormon estrogen dan progestron yang dalam proses untuk bersedia ke arah penyususan nanti.

  3. Wanita-wanita yang mengandung ni, pada peringkat awal, mesti akan terasa kepenatan tahap lampau. Er..dengan erti kata lain, kalau selalu boleh berjalan kaki untuk buang sampah di hadapan rumah (yang jaraknya mungkin dalam 30 hingga 50 meter sahaja), tapi kalau mengandung, dia dah tak larat dah nak berjalan, walaupun dari dapur nak ke pintu depan rumah. Hal ini bukannya apa, perubahan hormon ke arah persediaan untuk 'menyambut' bayi ni, sedikit sebanyak memaksa badan bekerja lebih keras daripada biasa untuk menyesuaikan keadaan dengan perubahan hormon tersebut. Tetapi ada jugak wanita yang mungkin terlebih tidur (iaitu sehingga melebihi 12 jam satu malam) boleh juga mengalami kepenatan tahap lampau ni.. Tetapi mungkin la tak mengandung kan.. =D.

  4. Kalau dulu boleh berjalan mengelilingi Mid Valley dari jam 10 pagi sampai 10 malam, sekarang ni dari tempat parkir kereta pun dah tak larat berjalan masuk ke dalam Mall. Bercampur dengan makhluk-makhluk yang berpusu-pusu kat Mid Valley tu, sampai cepat rasa pening-pening.. meloya dan sebagainya. Wanita mengandung akan rasa loya-loya, pening nak muntah ni biasanya antara minggu keempat hingga kelapan. Tapi ada jugak yang mengalami muntah-muntah ni seawal dua minggu lepas tarikh konsepsi, dan ada jugak wanita yang tak mengalami loya-loya ni langsung.. Masa tempoh 'pening-muntah' ni la kadang-kadang rasa tak boleh bau kopi laa, bau badan suami, bau wangi-wangian, malah ada yang tak tahan bau sabun pun. Masa ni laa khidmat dan sokongan suami sangat diperlukan. Jadi, kaum lelaki, haruslah lebih tabah ye~

  5. Dalam tempoh sekitar trisemester yang pertama, wanita mengandung akan kerap ulang-alik ke tandas. Mesti rasa nak buang air kecil. Ini disebabkan oleh 'pembinaan' dinding uterus. Persediaan untuk 'memberi keselesaan' kepada bayi anda nanti.. Walau bagaimanapun, janganla sampai tertidur dalam tandas ya!

Setakat yang boleh saya baca dan kaji, ini adalah merupakan antara tanda-tanda awal la *yang tak de satu pun pada saya - mengesahkan yang saya TIDAK MENGANDUNG*.

Sepanjang tempoh sembilan sepuluh hari ni, memang banyak dugaan yang akan dihadapi oleh pasangan. Ini semua bergantung kepada pasangan tersebut, bagaimana hendak menangani masalah dan pelbagai ragam isteri. Isteri pun jangan terlalu 'mengambil kesempatan'.. =D

Ada pasangan muda yang baru beberapa hari berkahwin, sudah dikurniakan Allah dengan 'rezeki' melimpah.. Jangan dikesali pemberian Illahi. Walaupun belum bersedia, sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Penyayang kerana Dia masih memberi kita masa yang lama untuk bersedia. Saya pasti tempoh sembilan bulan itu cukup untuk pasangan suami isteri untuk bersedia menjadi ibubapa yang baik.

Jadi, tiada alasan untuk tidak menjadi ibubapa yang soleh dan solehah untuk membina sebuah keluarga bahagia.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Di Sebalik Putrajaya~

One sunny day, I took a chance to walk by the lake behind my apartment at Presint 18. To my surprise, it's such a wonderful place! Sooooooooo calming. So I took out my N95 and took few pictures. The theme was flowers. I snapped most of the flowers I found. So, here they are.. Without any editing but just a lil touch~ I don't know why, but I do enjoy taking pictures and I think God made Flowers for some reasons.. To colour our world is one of the reasons ~

: Bougainvillea :

: Hibiscus :

: Er.. can i call this "Orange Lily"? :

: Er.. Another guess.. Hurmm "Pink Flower"? :

: "Pink Flower" :

: Red and Yellow :

: This is what I loike MOST. GORGEOUS!!! :

: And I can't believe this pic was snapped from behind my apt :

Such a lovely place.. And I'm giving these flowers to all of my friends especially Twin, Dihar, Ash, ZsaZsa, and Ila and Tina and Ikha and..and..and.. the list goes on.. and on..

Hopefully these flowers may bring you happiness and prosperity. Trust me, Allah has a better plan or you. Semoga apa yang kita hajati akan dimakbulkan Illahi..

Tag Your Pics!!

\o/ This is my FIRST ever tag. I'm not saying that I'm too excited, happy.. or lucky to be tagged, but terharu~ Hikhikhik.. I've been tagged by Ash. And here it goes..

1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instructions with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this.

So, here's my latest picture. Er..since I've been a bit busy, I don't really have time to pose..anyhow, setelah dikorek-korek, I have few pics masa Netball Tourn PUSPANITA haritu. Tapi masa ni I looked a bit tan. So I choose the best pose la kan.. =D

: A Champ pose~:

And here're the lucky friends I wanna tag!

1. Tina
2. Ikha
3. Roro
4. Ila
5. Huzaila
6. Naim
7. ZsaZsa
8. Err... all the people reading this!

Enjoy being tagged!

psst... cuba korang teka, bangunan kat blakang tu bangunan apa? Jeng..jeng..jeng...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wedding Preparation, Huh?

Alhamdulillah dear is getting better..thanks soo much for those who had supported me, giving me tips and pray for him to get better. =D. I really appreciate that. So, let's get move on.

Yesterday Nazrul had his wedding reception at his place in Kuantan. I still remember he asked me about what he should do to prepare for the wedding. That was few weeks ago.

Well.. I've been thinking of few things. You know, I still remember the to-do-list me n dear had for our wedding preparation. It's a book actually. Consist of EVERYTHING about the preparation, from the budget to the list of hantarans, the list of tailors, few choices, wedding packages, caterer, make-up and lot more. Here are few things I share with Nazrul and I wanna share with you too.

~Your Last Minute eh, Final Check-up List~

  1. Sijil kebenaran nikah luar kawasan (if any of the bride or groom is from the different countries or state).

  2. Bride, please do the make-up testing, even if you have to pay an extra money. Remember, we only marry once and of course we want to look super gorgeous~

  3. Test baju - a week before the wedding (kot-kot makin moncet ke..)

  4. Check and do a follow up regarding the table decoration - i.e. colour of the skirting, table cloth and everything. Make sure the colour matches your theme colour..(which happen during my time. sampai petang nak nikah tu my mom paksa dorang tukar balek kaler skirting. I asked for pink colour and believe me, they brought pink skirting and peach table cloth!! bodo dorang. *emo sat*)

  5. Make sure the door gift are ready weeks before your ceremony. Don't do it at the very last minute. Asingkan door gift for VIP, guests, kids (if you have any) so it is easier for your 'door gifter' to do their task.

  6. Hantarans are ready at the earlier stage (except for the sirih junjung ke.. as a conclusion). Jangan buat last minute, susa woo..

  7. Fotostat ic the bride and groom.. Senang nanti masa nak akad nikah. Ouh, don't forget to prepare the pen with you as well as the original I.C.

  8. Recheck and reconfirm the menu just to avoid any misunderstanding. And make sure they remember when and where your wedding reception will take place.

  9. Prepare and discuss the tentative programme withe your other half and family. What time the groom will arrive, where will the akad nikah take place, should you makan first or merenjis first..detail everything out.

  10. Make sure your MC or DJ REALLY understand your plan and PLEASE advice him about the song that you want him to play, when to play and when to stop and stuff like that. (it happened to me when the DJ didn't play the song that we requested and he said "Ouh, saya belom ready lagik.." and I said "WTF. Cant you hear to the kompang boy? Dorang dah start 'balun' kompang dah.. huh! Such an excuse!" And obviously I said it dalam hati..disamping muka yang berkerut-kerut tahan marah..eheh.. Mana boleyh groom muka masam on your wedding day and it just happend once in your life time kan..I just smiled and focused walking on the 'ailse'.. And of course, salam hatiku ini menyumpah seranah sanbil berkata "Siap ko nanti!" haha. Silly me..

  11. Make sure the photographer, kompang or silat or anyone who is involve in the ceremony knows about your wedding reception. Remind them. Again, the "where, when and the details about the ceremony".. If possible, ask them to come for a rehearsal..just to make sure everything went well on the day itself.

  12. If you plan to have majlis akad nikah at your house, please remind the kadi or imam. If the kadi or imam is not from your area (or qariah), please invite the imam and kadi from your own qariah. They hafta be there..(Imam kat umah ai majuk sebab pakcik ai amek kadi dari kawasan laen untuk nikahkan kitorang..hahaha. Sengal la imam merajuk~oopss..)

  13. Most impomrtantly, you hafta have at least RM1k cash in your hand (spare je..). Diingatkan, CASH. Just in case ada any 'emergency'. =D

Sekian, may you have a wonderful wedding ahead~

Friday, November 21, 2008

OMG!! I NEED Help!

Dear DEMAM! I dunno wut to do.. He looked fine since the last three days. Siap boleh ajak ai main boling, and he won all the three games.. Dem..I should ave start improving my throw.. =/

Anyway, it's been a week after the nose operation, and I noticed that he barely breath like usual. I couldn't stand looking at him, especially when he sleeps. Man, I should ave been stronger. I know, but loooking at him while he sleeps will only make me cry. Serious.. Sometimes he kindda chokes. And that's the hardest part. *Nak tido waktu kena selesema pown susa..inikan pulak hidung yang tersumbat and sometimes bleed~* Gawd! Btw, he had a serious sinus that made the doc to "reopen" the blockage inside the nose.

He's getting 'hotter'. Not that "hot", hot, *I knoe he's hot. ;D* but his body temperature is increasing and he keep on saying "I sejuk..I sejuk..". Man, I dunno wut to do.. I never had this experience before and Thank God that my antibodi is at the greatest level, so far. Alhamdulillah.. I seldom got sick *except for my mood swing, but that consider as sick kah? Er..sakit hati kowt..* So, since I dont really knoe how to handle him, I tried to try to do like what a doc had said to me.

"Kalau you tak sehat, cirit birit ke..demam beli 100+, you balek rumah and you boil it. *jangan boil dengan botol pulak. Tuang dalam pot ye~* Lepas tu you minom air tu. AND don't forget to pray.."

I'm not too sure why we hafta boil it first, but mebi because we wanna loosen the CO2 bonding, reduce the "gas" and you know, keep it warm before we could drink it. Why 100+? it gives us more energy since it is an energy drink kan? Mebi we could use Excel ke..Energy Booster ke..Maybe~ But I'd prefer 100+, because that's what I've been drinking since I knoe how to run *a lil exaggerated eyh..*

And YES, that's exactly what I did. Boiled the 100+ and let him drink it. And I pray that he will recover soon.. Aminnnn..

Er..I dont ave any back up plan, IF he doesn't recover. hueheuhue..

Apakah yang perlu dilakukan??

Selimutkan ke? Mandikan ke?


Nak bagi makan apa??

Bubur nasik kah??

Soup kah??

Tolon..tolon..I have no idea. AT ALL~

Gawd! I just can't think straight~


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh, Dear! *Part 2*

Dear is getting better. He got another MC and this time for another week. Am praying that you'll be better, healthier and happier soon..

:It's like a rainbow after the rain.. :

: .. still, praying for the sun to shine again:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh, Dear~ *PART I*

Im worry. The most awaiting day is finally come. Today. Outside the Operation Room, Im waiting. Anxiously. For a nose, there's no such a minor operation. Even it's a major thing, it's kindda simpler compared to the eye operation ke..lung ke, kidney n stuff. It's simpler but STILL, kindda risky. It's all depends on how the doc handle it. And of course, I pray to Allah, pray hard that everything will be fine.. And I give everything to Allah. Everything is been decided by Allah. Kun fa ya kun..

It's already 12pm now. After 3 hours he's inside, I'm still waiting patiently. Everytime the door open, my heart beats faster. Looking at the door, hoping that he's the one who came out, but no. It's not him. Penantian satu penyeksaan kan.. I can't move from the seat. Not an inch. Luckily I brought a book for me to read and a lappy. At least to kill time. Ntah hape aku baca aku pown tatau.. Was sooo daymn nervous!

Is he allright?

Is he hurt?

Is the doc manage to do it gently?

Can he feel the pain?

Can he breath?

Man, I just can't stop thinking.. Adeih.. I'm thinking too much, ain't I? Clock's ticking.. he's not out YET. God..








It's 12.30pm. He's out!!! Gotta go. Till then..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Something Wonderful~

Yep! Something Wonderful is gonna happen. To me or to the people near me. Er..sooner or later..InsyaAllah.. You know why? I tell you why.

  1. FIVE of my beloved FIANS nak kawen on November and December. As a closure for 2008.. Beginning with Nazrul (Kuantan), followed by Moro (Semporna), Emyman (Aloq Staq), Nadel (Melaka) and BT (Kampar). Congratuations uols.. Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar. Psst..Dato' N, ingat petua2 aku bagi haritu... \o/. Seems like Fians will be daymn busy touring from North to South, East to West attending th weddings..InsyaAllah... Er..Moro, takde whaler ke..Cruise kee.. free untuk kitorang kah? Atau hadiah berupa tiket penerbangan pergi balek?

    Next on the line : Jai (January 09), Own (Mac), Roro (Mac), Twin (yet to be confirmed), Ika (yet to be confirmed), er...sape lagi haa...

  2. Three days left for Aisyah's birthday. She's turning 2 and 10 days after, her mother (who is my sister) is turning 28. lol. Even I couldn't think of what to get them for a present, I'm praying for their happiness, health, wealth, and semoga sentiasa di bawah Lindungan Rahmat dari-Nya.. InsyaAllah..
    Er..maybe I should read the one Roro had suggested.. =D. Thanks beb!

  3. I'm beginning to understand more about love and I love him more.. I thank those who had commented on my previous posts. They've made me see the bigger picture of life. And I wish them all to always be loved, respected and appreciated wherever they be. Erm..Semoga sentiasa diberkati Allah ya~ =D

  4. Ash, I know exactly how you feel, but be strong ya.. I'm sure he has the same feeling too.. Pray a lot cause somewhere out there, he's missing you daymn much! I pray that someday, something wonderful happen for both of you..

  5. I'm reading almost half of the book. Remember I got this book for only RM5? Yeah and it's sooooo worth it! And sekarang adalah kemuncak cerita..and I just can't stop reading. It's like "Gimme more..more..more..wut's next neyh..." Padahal dis is the 3rd time reading it. \o/

Hoping for something wonderful..

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Im Missing Them All~

Dear all cuzs (especially nun jauh di Dubai), here are some of the latest piccas of our beloved nieces.. Latest pon tak la latest sangat.. These pictures had been captured during Raya 2008. You guys must be missing them soo much, as much as I do.. Belek-belek gambar dolu-dolu, terubat rasa rindu woo.. Ada tiga orang ni, rasa macam ada 10 nieces.. Bila laa nak dapat nephew neyh...

: Amanda & Aisyah Afiyah :

: Aisyah Afifah. Mesti dah laen muka after a month tak jumpa.. :

: Amanda d Model :

: Aisyah d Follower :

: Them. Gado-gado time.. Maen cubit-cubit dorang neyh.. Noti! :

Er..Setakat ni dulu..I'll update more about them yah~ I wont be seeing you guys until next August la ye cuzs.. Unless Abg Wan take me to Dubai. Eheh~ Take care and wish you all the bestest in your exams..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

How To Start A Relationship?

There are a lot of ways.. I bet you don't wanna know it all.. But basically, it all started from your heart. And trust me, I don't really believe in "Dari mata turun ke hati" kindda relationship. It's all crap~ You know why? I'll tell you why.

Sebab, mata hanya menafsir berdasarkan apa yang kita lihat sahaja dan akhirnya hanya memberi persepsi luaran. Bolehkah sebarang perhubungan itu dibina atas dasar luaran? Jika boleh, sejauh mana hubungan itu akan bertahan?

KEBIASAANNYA, hubungan yang lahir dari pandangan mata tidak bertahan lama. *But this is only my humble opinion*. Melainkan dari mata, pergi ke otak untuk ditafsir dengan lebih lanjut dan mengenali pasangan dengan lebih rapat sebelum menjalinkan sesebuah hubungan yang serius. Yess! Jangan bertindak terburu-buru. Ambil masa..Take your own time..But puh-lease~ don't get too long ya~

Anyway, as a woman, a lady, a girl, how many of us have been in a serious relationship since they were at young age? I'd say only 50%. For some people like me, I only know what exactly love is when I was in my 20's. No! 21. *hehe..malu nak ngaku laa..* I know it's a bit too late to figure out, but hey, I chose the rite one! Alhamdulillah~

So, at least I started dating when I was in the early 20's. There are still a lot of women who are still looking for the perfect person to share their love with, walopun umor dah mencecah angka 30..40..and 50 pown ada!.

However, nomatter how old are you now, everyone of us deserve to love and to be loved. As a human being, we need love to cheerish our life. In order for us to be loved, first thing you hafta do is love yourself.

Back in USM, I had this one honest, smart, simple, "geek" girlfriend I barely know when I was in my second year. *She's the one who helped me out a lot when me and dear had our difficult time in our relationship, at that moment. Thanks loads MakCik* While she was busy "helping me out", she herself didn't really involve in any special relationship with any guy. Yeah, she had no steady boyfriend. That's why she had a thought in mind "Paseipa laaaa depa ni qhajin begadoh sangat..Dok la leklok..Ni tidak..Akuuuuu...jugak.." She just couldn't really understand. But obviously she could think a way to console me~ eheh. Becouse she's smart! And gorgeous too. *Promote sket. Eheh~*

Last few days, she gave me a called. And she told me she's seeing someone. And I said "Whut??? CONGRATSSSSS!!!!" Hahaha.. I was soooooooo daymn happy cause she finally find someone to be loved and I'm sooo glad! But on the other hand, I couldn't notice the happy voices as she used to be. So I asked her why..

"Aku slalu gado jugak laaa..Macam hang dolu-dolu..Macamana hang handle aaa"


"It's been 25 years you'd been handling things on your own. Nobody to ask, no one to 'report' to, no commitment other than to your family, job and few things to run your life..Now, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE READY FOR ANOTHER COMMITMENT? Are you ready to accept him in your life?" I began asking her the questions..

Well, I give you one situation. I learn this from The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne. And Dihar quoted part of it, and it goes like this...

" If you want to be in a relationship, you should think and act accordingly to what you want. For example if you usually put stuff on the seat beside the driver seat, its like saying you are not wanting a relationship cause you are not letting people sit in that seat. Therefore you need to clear it up to allow somebody to actually sit in it."

And I would say..

"Relationship is like riding a bus heading to places. Various places. People hop in and out. They come and go to continue their journey. Left an empty seat beside you. Since you are carrying a lot of stuff, you put put them on it. Suddenly the bus stop and two men came up. One is a real nasty man smells like garlic and rotten fish and look so untidy and has some cash, enough for his ride. ONLY. The other one is sooo daymn gorgeous, neat, tall, wearing expensive clothes and you bet he's rich. \o/. So, who will you offer the seat beside you? Or you just ignore both and pretend that you were sleeping, don't really bother to move your stuff from the seat?"

My first point is, you will be meeting a lot of people along the journey. If you wanna start a relationship, you hafta accept someone into your life. So, you hafta allow someone to seat beside you on the bus. Then only you start to know him. If you don't, how can you start knowing him? When you accept people in your life, do it honestly. Full heartedly. Then you will plant the greatest seed in your relationship. InsyaAllah..

My second point, choose the right one. Like I said, people come and go. It's you to decide who is your Mr. Right. Don't be silly by getting fooled with the outer look. The garlic smelly man might be a Private Investigator who is doing a cover up. And the handsome rich guy might be a drug dealer ke..Pencetak rompak knoe..that kindda thing might happen. Choosing the right guy before you settle down is VERY MUCH important.

My last point will be, along the bus ride, there will be a lot of difficulties. You know, traffic jam, uneven road, land slide, and road accidents ke.. It takes all you effort, patience, courage and motivation tau in order for you to get to your destination. You hafta hold each other hand, pray to God, and face the problem together. Talk and talk and always talk when you are having any problems. Don't keep things behind anyone's back cause that will solve nothing.

I guess that's all I could tell. And believe me, The Secret is the best book for you to read and the book you should buy for yourself. Not only it tells about secret of your relationship but your own life. Things you don't really notice..Enjoy building a relationship with your love ones!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Better Person?

During my course at Melaka last week, there was a motivation session. Throughout the session, the counselor had told us how to be a better person. To make it simpler, he told us in a different way.

Here it goes..


Before putting the pencil into a box, the pencil maker spoke to the pencil saying

"There are five things you need to know before I send you out into the new world. Always remember them and you will become the best pencil you can be.."

  1. You'll be able to do many great things but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand;

  2. You'll experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a better pencil;

  3. You have the ability to correct any mistakes you might make;

  4. The most important part of you will always be what's inside; and

  5. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation is.

Now, let us put ourselves as the pencil and remember each of the five things, and we will become a better person.

  1. We have the ability to do many great things in our life if only we let ourselves to be held in God's hand. In real life, if you let someone to lead you, you will have the opportunity to learn a lot of things, which will lead you to become a better leader someday;

  2. Life is full of ups and downs. Things happen when you don't really want it to happen. You will face the biggest problems or difficult circumstances, but trust me, it will give you more experiences in life and help you to be the best person ever;

  3. Once you make a mistake, you will learn to fix it back. Learn to correct any mistakes and grow through them. It will become your guidance;

  4. The most important part of us will always be what's inside. The heart. Busuk hati, buruklah peribadi, don't you think?; and

  5. When you walk on any surfaces, you must finish walking until you reach your destiny. Keep on walking and leave the marks which someday when you lost your track, they will become a trace for you to find your way back.

So, when you are feeling down, sit back and take a deep breath. Bear in mind that Allah will always has a better plan for us. It depends on you to find out. And remember, when you lost your track, always find your way back. We were Made to make a difference. Made to do GREAT THINGS! It's your choice~

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Im Feeling Down..It's All Due To Some Lack of Respects..

Yes. I wanna talk about RESPECT. People take it lightly sometimes. Even so, people always wanted other people to respect them, but hey, have they really thought of giving people a lil respect FIRST. I got pissed *a bit* today. Since early in the morning, at the office, on the road on the way back from futsal game. Sigh..

In the morning..

- I lost my mind. Started to mengada-ngada bebai di pagi hari bila nak pakai tudung tak jadi, and I was DAYMN LATE plus, menghangatkan lagi keadaan bila perutku lapar..berbunyi bagai! And I was running for my breakfast. Man! Well, a simple thing like this, when you fail to manage it wisely, it will affect you the whole day! Because of the bebalan dan kemengadaan di pagi hari, I lost my RESPECT dear *Again, a little* and I feel ssoooooo sorry about it. When to think about it, I feel so silly. Merajuk di pagi hari, muka muncung tak hengat. Apekah?!?
*Forgimme dear..Im naughty today* But lucky me, he understands me well, being considerate and most importantly, he forgimme. eheh.

At the office..

Before I went to Melaka for the course, I did ask my staf to help me with something. Something very important. To me, when I say it's important, it's very important and I wannit done. Snap! at once. A week after, when I came back to the office yesterday, I was too busy to ask him whether the task was done or not. Unfortunately, *memandangkan harini adalah hari bebai kan..Ahh..Well..* I found out that he WAS TOO BUSY TO FINISH WHAT I ASKED HIM TO DO! Apekah?!?! And untuk menghangatkan lagi, my colleague had asked his assistant to get it done, *Abeh la imejku sebagai pekerja cemerlang yang komited dengan tugas-tugasnya kan..Mesti rakanku itew ingat aku malas wat keje..cabot gi Melaka and tinggal saki-baki keje..tak terurus! Huhuhu..* plus his assistant had mistakenly put all those important things into the SHRED MACHINE! *Patotkah aku murka?* And I was like this!!

: Ku hilang timbangnya.. :

And this! *After a few seconds..eheh~*

: Setelah berfikiran waras.. :

It's all about respect. If he ever give just a little respect, a little thought, he would definitely do whatever things I ask him to do.. Huhuhu.. But if I look from the bright side, now I know that I have to do something about my leadership skills. I hafta change about something, here and there.. It keeps me thinking tho!

On the road..

I can't imagine, those drivers on the road just forgot where the fish is their signal stick! They just didn't bother whether they give us *a very polite driver* a 3 or 2 or even 1 ticking signal when they wanna make a turn or membelok or mencilok! Man! Can they just THINK!!!! And RESPECT other drivers on the road. Urgh!! Sebaik I enjoy the futsal game tadi.. So takde la memaki hamun sepanjang perjalanan kan.. Sebaik dear tetap sabar.. *walopun kekadang tu terkeluar jugak bahasa kasar dia~ eheh!* Hello people..RESPECT la sikit..and drive carefully..Kalau ye pon tak sayang nyawa sendiri, ingat-ingatlaaa orang sekitar...Adeih haih! Just making me feel so tensed!

So, as a conclusion, I think in order for us to gain some respect, we must give a respect first. Yes! it's true! But.. How or what are you gonna do when you deal with people who have no idea what RESPECT is? Heh, I tell you what..







1. Suh dia sebut RESPECT and suh dia hafal and eja word tu and tulis balik 80 juta kali dalam buku latihan sekolah rendah dia..

2. Bagi dia kamus Dewan Bahasa Edisi ke-4, Terbitan tahun 2009.

3. Kalau dia tetap tak paham jugak hormat tu apa, tarik telinga dia, ikat kat celah pintu and stutup pintu kuat-kuat! Not once, but zzzzillllllioon times! Hamek ko! *Kidding..* lol

What ever it is, sile hormat orang di sekeliling anda, kerana anda adalah contoh dan teladan untuk generasi akan datang. Yooosshhh~

Monday, November 3, 2008

Things To Do When Your Mother In Law Is Coming To Your House's been more than a week I didn't get enough rest. Since a week before Deepavali, I've been working so hard till I had less time for myself, I mean, my family. eheh~ I've been busy finishing few important tasks before I leave for a 1-week-course in Melaka (which was last week).

Anyway, last Deepavali, my mother in-law and my two sis in laws came down for a visit. Well, basically, for me *as a daughter in law who doesn't really know how to cook*, this visit was more than a normal visit. Obviously I didnt want to look silly in front of them. I hafta start cleaning my house, surf more recipes *more Johorean food*, and start looking for places to take them to. =D All those kindda thing may sound a bit silly, but trust me, it'll help. Aparrently, when you start to do those thing, it doesn't mean your house macam tongkang pecah ke..or you're a total moron in cooking ke..or stuff like that. It's just that you want it to be all PERFECT *even it's hard to do*. Besides, this was the first mother-in-law visit and I cared about the first impression and what people think about me plus I really want everything to be PERFECT or close to perfect.. lol

So, here are some little something I wanna share.. Most of us might be wondering what we should do when our MOTHER IN LAW is coming to your house FOR THE FIRST TIME..

  1. Make sure your house is in extra clean at EVERY INCH of the house. I mean it. EVERY INCH.. Pastikan rumah sentiasa kemas dan teratur. Ini akan memberi pandangan kepada Mak Mentua kita yang kita ni rajin mengemas walopun kita sebok dengan keje kat ofis. It means a lot man.. It defines how do you actually manage your family, your husband, your house, while you are too busy at work. So proove to her that you are capable in doing everything, not only in your carrier but also in your personal life.

  2. Before her arrival, it's best if you could learn to cook a few dishes especially the one she likes or your husband's favourite. Erm.. Walopun tak la penting sangat, tapi penting jugak untuk ambik hati Mak Mentua. Bukanlah kita nak tunjuk yang kita pandai masak sangat, it's the thought that matters. You know, at least bila kita masak food she likes, dia akan bagi kita komen pasal apa yang tak cukup, apa yang terlebih..and ini akan membuatkan dia rasa dihargai. Well, you know, at least bila kita minta pendapat dia especially in cooking, she'll be very delighted.

  3. After a long busy at work, many of us will spent most of their weekends resting. To recover their energy or freshen up their body. But you'll be even busier if someone are coming to your house. So, to keep you happy and enjoy your weekend with your guests, prepare a list of places o activities to do throughout the weekend. Places where you can relax and enjoy yourself at the same time. In my case, lucky me to have a mom-in-law who enjoys shopping. So dear and I took them for a shopping. Yes..everyday shopping..

    : Me, Ibu, Adik, Akak and Dara, During Our Outing Days :

  4. Wake up earlier in the morning than your mother in-law. And don't forget to prepare the breakfast for the family.. There was one day, I was busy with the laundry and when I was done, it's nearly 10. And all of them had woke up. Starving.. Phew..luckily I manage to prepare some tasty, healthy breakfast within a minute. And Ibu said "Sedapnye.." And I was like "Yeehoooo" in my heart and replied "Tak de la bu..biasa je nih.." Padahal itulah pertama kali mende tu jadik. Nak tau apa I buat? Jeng..jeng..jeng... Fench toast and some jemput-jemput rangup. Sedap gile..Well..I never cook that jemput-jemput with the taste like that before~ It's an accomplishment I'd say~ Ahaks!

  5. Win the heart of the sisters in-law. This is very important because they are the one who'll back you up in certain situation. You know, if you got screwed, who do you think will cover you up besides your husband?? Hehe..That's why we NEED some extra networking.. Begin with.....What do they like..What type of food the luv...What are they craving for...

    As for me, I bought a teddy bear for Akak as she got 7A's in the SPM trial and she loves the bebear. I'd consider myself lucky again as both Adik and Akak were craving for Spagetthi Bolognaise..which I'm good in cooking it. lol

  6. Be yourself in whatever you do. Don't pretend TOO MUCH. KAlau sesekali nak berlakon tu, I'd say it's ok,tapi kalau dah terlalu sangat..erm...please avoid~ Sebab kengkadang kalau terlalu berlakon sangat, people might get to notice it. So, daripada nak malu kemudian hari..better avoid la kan..

  7. This is the most important part. Walau apa pun yang kita buat, mesti diiringi dengan keikhlasan. Setiap keikhlasan yang datang dari hati akan sentiasa terpancar di muka kita. Ini akan turut menggembirakan kita walaupun penat..

: I love them all~ :

psssttt.. I'm sooo lucky to have a gorgeous, sporting, friendly mother in-law. Just like my mom! Plus, she didn't even mention about us having a baby ke tak ke..not a word. hehe. So I consider she's the bestest, most understanding, sporting mom in-law in the whole wide world so far. *notice the word so far? hehehe* I forgot her birthday, and she still said, "It's ok".. What dyu expect? =D Luvya Ibu and Happy Belated Birthday~ *HUGS*