Saturday, November 8, 2008

How To Start A Relationship?

There are a lot of ways.. I bet you don't wanna know it all.. But basically, it all started from your heart. And trust me, I don't really believe in "Dari mata turun ke hati" kindda relationship. It's all crap~ You know why? I'll tell you why.

Sebab, mata hanya menafsir berdasarkan apa yang kita lihat sahaja dan akhirnya hanya memberi persepsi luaran. Bolehkah sebarang perhubungan itu dibina atas dasar luaran? Jika boleh, sejauh mana hubungan itu akan bertahan?

KEBIASAANNYA, hubungan yang lahir dari pandangan mata tidak bertahan lama. *But this is only my humble opinion*. Melainkan dari mata, pergi ke otak untuk ditafsir dengan lebih lanjut dan mengenali pasangan dengan lebih rapat sebelum menjalinkan sesebuah hubungan yang serius. Yess! Jangan bertindak terburu-buru. Ambil masa..Take your own time..But puh-lease~ don't get too long ya~

Anyway, as a woman, a lady, a girl, how many of us have been in a serious relationship since they were at young age? I'd say only 50%. For some people like me, I only know what exactly love is when I was in my 20's. No! 21. *hehe..malu nak ngaku laa..* I know it's a bit too late to figure out, but hey, I chose the rite one! Alhamdulillah~

So, at least I started dating when I was in the early 20's. There are still a lot of women who are still looking for the perfect person to share their love with, walopun umor dah mencecah angka 30..40..and 50 pown ada!.

However, nomatter how old are you now, everyone of us deserve to love and to be loved. As a human being, we need love to cheerish our life. In order for us to be loved, first thing you hafta do is love yourself.

Back in USM, I had this one honest, smart, simple, "geek" girlfriend I barely know when I was in my second year. *She's the one who helped me out a lot when me and dear had our difficult time in our relationship, at that moment. Thanks loads MakCik* While she was busy "helping me out", she herself didn't really involve in any special relationship with any guy. Yeah, she had no steady boyfriend. That's why she had a thought in mind "Paseipa laaaa depa ni qhajin begadoh sangat..Dok la leklok..Ni tidak..Akuuuuu...jugak.." She just couldn't really understand. But obviously she could think a way to console me~ eheh. Becouse she's smart! And gorgeous too. *Promote sket. Eheh~*

Last few days, she gave me a called. And she told me she's seeing someone. And I said "Whut??? CONGRATSSSSS!!!!" Hahaha.. I was soooooooo daymn happy cause she finally find someone to be loved and I'm sooo glad! But on the other hand, I couldn't notice the happy voices as she used to be. So I asked her why..

"Aku slalu gado jugak laaa..Macam hang dolu-dolu..Macamana hang handle aaa"


"It's been 25 years you'd been handling things on your own. Nobody to ask, no one to 'report' to, no commitment other than to your family, job and few things to run your life..Now, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE READY FOR ANOTHER COMMITMENT? Are you ready to accept him in your life?" I began asking her the questions..

Well, I give you one situation. I learn this from The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne. And Dihar quoted part of it, and it goes like this...

" If you want to be in a relationship, you should think and act accordingly to what you want. For example if you usually put stuff on the seat beside the driver seat, its like saying you are not wanting a relationship cause you are not letting people sit in that seat. Therefore you need to clear it up to allow somebody to actually sit in it."

And I would say..

"Relationship is like riding a bus heading to places. Various places. People hop in and out. They come and go to continue their journey. Left an empty seat beside you. Since you are carrying a lot of stuff, you put put them on it. Suddenly the bus stop and two men came up. One is a real nasty man smells like garlic and rotten fish and look so untidy and has some cash, enough for his ride. ONLY. The other one is sooo daymn gorgeous, neat, tall, wearing expensive clothes and you bet he's rich. \o/. So, who will you offer the seat beside you? Or you just ignore both and pretend that you were sleeping, don't really bother to move your stuff from the seat?"

My first point is, you will be meeting a lot of people along the journey. If you wanna start a relationship, you hafta accept someone into your life. So, you hafta allow someone to seat beside you on the bus. Then only you start to know him. If you don't, how can you start knowing him? When you accept people in your life, do it honestly. Full heartedly. Then you will plant the greatest seed in your relationship. InsyaAllah..

My second point, choose the right one. Like I said, people come and go. It's you to decide who is your Mr. Right. Don't be silly by getting fooled with the outer look. The garlic smelly man might be a Private Investigator who is doing a cover up. And the handsome rich guy might be a drug dealer ke..Pencetak rompak knoe..that kindda thing might happen. Choosing the right guy before you settle down is VERY MUCH important.

My last point will be, along the bus ride, there will be a lot of difficulties. You know, traffic jam, uneven road, land slide, and road accidents ke.. It takes all you effort, patience, courage and motivation tau in order for you to get to your destination. You hafta hold each other hand, pray to God, and face the problem together. Talk and talk and always talk when you are having any problems. Don't keep things behind anyone's back cause that will solve nothing.

I guess that's all I could tell. And believe me, The Secret is the best book for you to read and the book you should buy for yourself. Not only it tells about secret of your relationship but your own life. Things you don't really notice..Enjoy building a relationship with your love ones!

15 thought(s):

Anonymous said...
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salida amran said...

anon: knp cakap camtu..jgnla too over generalize..saya juga bercinta tapi saya tak rasa cinta saya membawa padah..cinta saya membawa bahagia..tapi saya rasa en.anon ini mungkin refer to percintaan jantan ngan betina..jadi saya dan rakan2 takperlu terasa hati sangat kerana kami perempuan, bukan betina...n kami bercinta dengan lelaki bukan jantan...n jangan la tak kawen, sbb kawan itu sunnah nabi..nabi jugak kata, siapa yang tidak mengikut sunnah ku bukan dari kalangan ku...

Lady said...

Eheh, En.Anon baru lepas putus cinta eh. kalau baca bebetul, saya ada cakap, jangan menilai orang dari LUARAN. Which is tak semestinya orang banyak duit itu baek dan orang kurang mampu itu keji. Walau macamanapun saya setuju dengan Ila. Tuhan tak melarang kita bercinta, selagi mengikut landasan Islam yang ditetapkan. Cinta dengan ikhlas. Kahwin penting untuk menyambung generasi. After all, orang tak beriman yang takde pegangan agama je yang cakap macam Anon nyeh.

REST IN PEACE!! said...

cinta mmbawa bhagia??its disgusting!!klu sy bru ptus cnta,sjak sy lahir,smpai sy mmbsar skang ni sy x pnh brcnta sbb sy x pnh diajar utk mmikat wanita..mmikat laki @ wanita satu prkara yg mmbuang masa..too rubbish!! x nafikn kawen itu sunnah nabi,tp adakh org skang kawen ikut adat ISLAM??org mlayu cme faham "biar mati anak,jgn mati adat"..ini ungkapn adat YAHUDI ISRAEL LAKNATULLAH..klu biarkn mati ank,ank itu anugrah sape??JAHILLIYAH sngguh org mlayu ni..soal kawen,kita org laki keje penat2,kumpul duit pnye susah,last2 buta2 labur ribu2 kt wanita..hilang akal ke..time brcnta jnji manis,shidup smati,ssh snang brsama..time masuk minang..rompak,curi,ragut,samun ribu2 duit laki..alasannya duit hntaran blanja..CILAKA sungguh!!-the DEADMAN-

salida amran said...

wla3330:saya nak mintak la kat en. boleh tak tlg jgn over generalize..janganlah anda nak samakan kehidupan anda yang so called tak bahagia tu dengan kehidupan org lain...saya behagia dengan cinta saya juga saya percaya sahabat saya juga bahagia dengan cinta mereka..knp awak nak disgust plak ngan percintaan kitorang?please exclude kisah hidup awak dengan kisah hidup kitorang...n kalau awak kata orang sume cume mengikut adat je waktu kawen, for me n my sahabat is not..kami kawen untuk keberkatan hidup..bukan semata2 adat melayu...saya juga melayu,dan saya tak rasa saya jahil kerana saya belajar walaupun ilmu saya masih belum cukup banyak..suami saya juga suami sahabat2 saya tak hilang akal bila laburkan duit untuk isteri kerana itu nafkah yg wajib diberi..kami tak mintak duit segungung selori, cukup untuk nafkah seperti yang digariskan agama..nasihat saya untuk anda jangan too over generalize..kalau awak marah certain org, this is the wrong place for you to luahkan marah awak tu..

salida amran said...

tambah lagi, saya tak samun duit hantaran yang suami saya bagi..sahabat2 saya juga tidak merompak duit suami mereka..kami gunakan bersama duit itu untuk membina bahagia rumah tangga..awak too negative on pure relationship berlandaskan agama..sori to say..

REST IN PEACE!! said...

sape nk kawen,kawen ikutla ISLAM..yg pliknye apsl ade wang hantaran??..klu ikut teori logik akal,kita hntar fmily masuk minang,smpai sana prkara utama yg dbncang ialah soal wang hantaran..fmily pmpuan jual anak..mknanya pmpuan djual,kita laki pmbeli..pihak laki cm kene pukau,santau,scara mmbabi buta setuju..nabi brsabda,"nikah yg plg baik,& dberkati ialah MAS KAHWINNYA"..kita hadis mlayu,"wang hntaran yg bribu2"..

Lady said...


Dear readers,

I really appreciate all of your comments. Sebagai manusia, masing2 ada pendapat. Baik atau buruk, saya terima, sebab itu lumrah alam. Im so happy and grateful of my own life and Im glad salida and many of my frens out there are enjoying their life or marriage life as well. Being a loner is not as good as we thought. It might be ok for a certain time but how long will you last. People need love. At least to Allah. Im happy to see my frens happy and I hope you will find your own sweet thing in life, sooner or later. InsyaAllah.. May Allah Bless us~ Till then, happy reading..


Anonymous said...

Dgn sgala hormatnya sy mlancarkn kempen "TAK NAK! Bercinta"..setiap percintaan mmbawa padah,anda mampu mengubahnya!!..-the DEADMAN Inc.-

Unknown said...

Uishhh hangat gak post nih yeee... LOVE is difficult to explain.. thats all i hafta say...

p.s. Berhasil gak discussion kita yaaa... im glad it made it into ur blog...hehe

salida amran said...

deadman a.k.a org mati: mana ada bercinta membawa padah...tipoooo la...kempen la ko sensorang..takde org nak ikut nyeee
hanya satu dalam sejuta..awakla orgnye..eiii kesian..

Lady said...

Hehe..Yeap! ALAS I made it to my blog.Thanks to you too for discussing about this with me. I hope I'd helped others.. \o/
Ila, nama pun without a soul kot~

Anonymous said...

sy sokong kempen seorg janda ank 2 org..utk mringkaskn crita,,sbl sy brcerai,sy cgt cintakn suami...ttp krn trlalu cinta,suami sy simpan pmpuan lain sampai mngandung...dr situ sy sedar,cinta blum tentu mmbawa bahagia spt yg kita harapkn..itu sume tipu!!sy dh give up dn sy benci utk lebih cintakn anak sy...kpd SALIDA AMRAN,,tau la u tu dh brlaki,x payah nk mnyebok kt cni..klu anda nk bahgia,sila jaga laki anda dgn elok,jgn smpai trlepas..klu trlepas,i wish u"PADAN MUKA"..TQ..

Lady said...

Hurm..bawak-bawak laaa mengucap..kalau kita baik, Allah bagi balasan baik. Macamtu la sebaliknya. I gez mebi you should start asking yourself, who are the one yang tak payah menyebok kat sini? this is the place for those who APPRECIATE LOVE. To those who don't why just you get your butt off? Leave us alone man~

By the way, I'm so sorry for what had happened to you, it's just that this is not the right place for you to campaign!

salida amran said...

pn anon, just look urself before u point others...awak yg menyibok kat sini tetiba nak cakap org...apahal lu?miserable ke? sesat jalan..this is not ur tuan tanah said, this place is only for those who APPRECIATE LOVE LILLAHI TAALA