Friday, August 14, 2009

Thanks Lizzie For The Award~

:Lovely~ :

Thanks so much to Lizzie for giving me this award. It's a pleasure~ *hug sket..* :D

All I hafta do is...

1. Post it on my blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link. ---------> DONE~

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve discovered and you think they are lovely! (Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award). ------------> I'm doing it now~ hehe.

1. Tina (Rindu kamu)
2. Madeq (Aku pencinta berus gigi~ :D)
3. Chegu Cik Ian (Chegu RAWK!)
4. Nurulhuda (welcome back daling)
5. Ash (Love to hear your love story~)
6. IkhaNO (may you find a peace of mind)
7. Kiera (GLORY GLORY MU!!)
8. Iskandar (Jelesh Faleeq sangat chumel~)
9. Yanti (keep on blogging ok)
10. Ila (Jangan bersedih tinggalkan kitorang ok)
11. Hida (Gambate ne~)
12. Amane (I'm gonna miss you goodie-bag partner)
13. Dayah (Write some more!)
14. Zaila (Tak sabaq tunggu hang konvo :D)
15. Roro (mommy to be)

To all my friends (whether you're listed or not), thanks so much guys for the love you gave and the friendship we share. Thanks so much for everything~ I heart you guys...

2 thought(s):

salida amran said...

love you too..hug banyak:*)
sedih la...tapi nak raye dulu baru pegi.heh

mardeq said...

love you too darling..
beb, ika dah beli camera makk biler lagik..