Wednesday, November 21, 2012

18 Cara Memikat Hati Suami

Assalammualaikum wbt

How are you? Semoga hari ini lebih baik daripada hari semalam hendaknya. Tadi masa browse FB, terjumpa tips ni. And I just feel like sharing it with you. :) Selamat mempraktis!

1. Akur pada suami
Sentiasa jujur, ikhlas dan taat pada suami. 

2. Berkelakuan baik terhadap suami
Jangan menyakiti hati suami dengan tingkah laku, bahasa ataupun tindakan. Sebaliknya, menjadi isteri yang 'melegakan' setiap kali suami pulang ke rumah. Jangan sampai suami menderita makan hati dalam diam. Sifat yang harus dielak ialah berleter dan bermasam muka.

3. Jang

an bebankan suami
Ada isteri terlalu 'demand', meminta itu dan ini sehingga suami pening kepala untuk memenuhi kehendak dan impian isteri. Jangan sampai suami terpaksa menerima rasuah atau salah guna kuasa semata-mata ingin memenuhi permintaan isteri.

4. Sentiasa bersolek untuk suami
Ramai isteri tidak suka bersolek di rumah malah ada yang kelihatan selekeh. Ada isteri yang merasakan mereka sudah tua dan tidak perlu bersolek hatta mengenakan sedikit gincu untuk kelihatan cantik di mata suami. Sedangkan menjadi fitrah lelaki sukakan kecantikan terutama melihat seorang wanita yang menawan. Walaupun suami tidak pernah bersungut tetapi hakikatnya mereka suka melihat jika isteri bersolek seadanya agar sentiasa kelihatan manis dan menarik. Sebolehnya, ubah imej mengikut citarasa suami.

5. Jangan suka sanggah dan menolak permintaan suami
Jangan biar malaikat melaknat isteri yang menderhaka atau sering menyanggah cakap suami.

6. Sentiasa mengingatkan dan berpesan pada suami
Ingatkan suami dan berpesan dalam apa jua perkara.

7. Perlu ada rasa takut dan hormat pada suami
Ia dapat elak daripada buat perkara tidak baik.

8. Jangan membelakangkan suami
Mesti minta izin suami terlebih dahulu walaupun tahu suami tidak marah. Ia sebagai cara menghormati suami. Biarpun perkara kecil, setiap isteri perlu menjaga hati suami.

9. Jaga harta suami
Ia adalah amanah kepada setiap isteri dan jangan sesekali menyalah guna ataupun menggunakannya untuk kepentingan sendiri.

~Dah tak jadi Wordless Wednesday~

: Hannah's first ride : Going to skool :

10. Isteri kena minta maaf segera jika buat salah / menderhaka pada suami
Jadikan ia amalan biasa dan jangan sesekali lengahkan, buat tidak tahu ataupun tunggu Hari Raya untuk minta maaf. Sesungguhnya isteri sebegini sentiasa dilaknat para malaikat.

11. Solat bersama suami
Jangan hanya tunggu apabila ada masalah, sebaliknya jadikan ia amalan harian untuk merapatkan hubungan dan mengelakkan menderhaka kepada suami.

12. Jangan perkecilkan pemberian suami biarpun tidak seberapa
Sebaliknya kena berterima kasih dan hormati diri nya sebagai suami terutama bagi isteri yang berkedudukan dan berkerjaya tinggi.

13. Perlu bermuka manis dan senyum pada suami
Isteri sedemikian akan dimuliakan di akhirat.

14. Pandang muka suami bila bercakap
Lihat dan tenung dengan penuh kasih sayang. Ia lebih dekat di hati. Bukan bercakap membelakangkan atau sambil buat kerja.

15. Jangan bawa virus barah (pergaduhan) dalam rumah tangga
Jangan biar suami berubah hati dan mencari wanita lain. Awas! punca suami kahwin lain ialah kerana ada benda yang tidak ada pada isteri.

16. Jangan terlalu kongkong suami
Beri kebebasan dengan batasan yang wajar. Jangan kerana terlalu prasangka sampai asyik telefon bertanya suami di mana, sentiasa bertekak, check telefon suami hingga suami tiada privasi.

17. Urut badan suami selepas balik kerja
Walaupun penat tetapi satu-satunya cara memikat suami ialah dengan memberi sentuhan pada suami.

18. Jaga makan minum suami
Guna ayat-ayat al-Quran dan bukannya bomoh untuk menambat hati suami. Ingatlah doa adalah lebih mujarab. Hulurkan segelas air setiap kali suami pulang dari kerja.

*Taatilah segala suruhan suamimu selagi tidak melanggar hukum hakam ALLAH

Source : FB Keharmonian Rumahtangga Dan Keluarga Muslim

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

RR : Forgive. And Forget.

I think ada bagusnya kalau sekali sekali kita buat RR (Random Rambling).

Terlalu banyak yang ingin diperkatakan, tapi amat payah untuk diluahkan.

Dalam hidup ni, tak semuanya perkara berlaku seperti apa yang kita inginkan. Sebab itulah Allah SWT ciptakan manusia ni dengan pelbagai ragam. Kata orang, rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. Trust, is another long story la kan. So does forgiving.

Walau apa pun yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita seharian, sentiasa beringatlah yang kita ni punya agama. Kita diciptakan bagi mencapai matlamat yang satu, yang lebih hakiki. Apa gunanya kita mensia-siakan kehidupan sekarang ni ke arah kejahatan? Bukankah lebih baik jika kita hargai setiap perkara yang berlaku samada yang baik atau yang buruk dan jadikan tauladan / sempadan.

MAAF - satu perkataan yang nampak mudah, tapi sebenarnya amat berat sekali. How can we forgive someone with an open heart and open mind? With sincerity? Can you? Or should I say, have you? Adakah kita faham erti kemaafan yang sebenar?

Ramai yang berkata, untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dan ketenangan hati, kita perlu forgive and forget. As simple as that. Tetapi, kenapa masih ramai lagi yang tak mampu melakukannya. Begitu juga saya.

Hidup ni satu ujian. Benar. Keputusan setiap ujian itu ada dihati kita. Di dalam tangan kita kerana kita yang memilih jalan mana yang kita ingin tuju.

Kata seorang hamba Allah :

"Pemaaf adalah sifat luhur yang perlu ada pada diri setiap muslim. Ada beberapa ayat al-Quran dan hadis yang menekankan keutamaan bersifat itu yang juga disebut sebagai sifat orang yang hampir di sisi Allah.

Allah berfirman bermaksud: “Dan orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan orang lain, Allah menyintai orang yang berbuat kebajikan.” (Surah Ali Imran, ayat 132)."


"Memang tepat sifat pemaaf itu bukanlah satu perbuatan mudah dilakukan. Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Tetapi, sesiapa yang sabar dan suka memaafkan, sesungguhnya termasuk pekerjaan yang berat ditanggung.” (Surah asy-Syura, ayat 43)."

dan juga

"Sesungguhnya Allah terlebih awal memberi keampunan dengan rahmat-Nya. Dan ingatlah kisah dimana seorang hamba Allah yang telah membunuh seramai 100 orang namun apabila beliau bertanya kepada seorang `alim adakah taubat dia masih diterima, si `alim menjawab pintu taubat Allah itu melebihi segala-galanya. Yakin dan percayalah..! La takhof wala tahzan, innAllaha ma`ana....bagi mereka yang telah menganiyai kita, kite serahkan urusan itu kepada Allah kerana Allah adalah ahsanul haakimin."

Secara jujurnya, saya masih mencari erti kemaafan yang sebenar. Erti memafkan dengan sepenuh hati dan ikhlas, lillahi taala~

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Truth Hurts

So hard to say but so hard to just keeping it to myself. But the truth really hurts.

I hate you for being that person - who lie to me.
I hate you for being emotionless - when you reveal the truth.
And i hate you for everything!

People say time heals.
Im not sure this scar would heal.
I am hurt. So much.
I trusted you. And i have to admit that i trust you no more.

P.s. Bloggeroid, i trusted you. Where are all the posts that i've been trying to publish? I trusted you.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pills story

I am tired of taking pills.
The first time was excited!
Like, Allah, I cant wait for it!

Then it turned out like not how I want it to be.
Then come another...

Hopefully I got what I want.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, October 8, 2012

Things that should be TOLD

There are things that should be kept unspoken, but there are so many things that should be told.

1. The useless managers and poor management system, you tell them
2. Your best friends are doing the bad things, you tell them
3. You cheat your partner, you tell
4. You being dishonest, you tell
5. You scratch your principal's car, you tell
6. You dont like someones attitude, you advice

And lot more.
Truth hurts but its worth knowing.

You see, things can be simple in life. IF YOU MAKE IT SIMPLE by always being honest. Clearly honesty is the key.

Chill people. You dont have to talk bad things behind anybody's back. You dont have to lie. And most importantly you dont lie to yourself.


Smile. Then you will have a better world.

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sayonara Alang Hida

Semalam kitorang ke klia. To sent off beloved sister balik ke tempat perjuangannya. Sambil kita bersiap-siap, sambil si Hannah siap beg dia. Beriya ambil buku, some toys and a smal lil bear.

And ready she is!

Bila lagi nak jumpa hida, wallahualam. Semoga berjaya di sana hendaknya. Gambatte ne hida san!

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mother-Daughter Bonding. AWESOME.

Seronok spend weekend dengan Hannah. Well daddy was so busy doing things at the new house. So he couldnt join us.

That day we play pretend. I became a sick daughter and Hannah was the "mummy". She was so into it and I think she kinda loves pretending to be a mummy. But she still calls me "mummy". Heheh. Obviously.

*meet the mummy cum doctor*

I wonder why she put on my swimming goggles. Haha.

She came to me and said "temperature, mummy" while putting this long thing on my forehead.

"hurm. Panasnye.."

: The rolled sticker (cool fever), the long thing (thermometer) and mask-like semi circle (nebuliser) :

Then she used the sticker yang dah tak stick pun and put it on my forehead as well. I think she pretend it to be the cool fever. Clever girl!

"mummy, nah ni"

She gave me the mask-looked thing and pretend it like she was giving me a neb. T-T
Then i pretend to cough. She gave me that "neb" again. With a shuuuuuu sounds.

"ouh.mummy, nak bubur? Jap".

*Hannah's kitchen*

"nah mummy. Nak Hannah suap? Hurmm... Dap tak? Sedap kan"

*mummy, makan ni. Sayur. Banyak-banyak*

*mummy, minum susu dalam cup eh*

Mummy ok tak? Tido ye?

Then she left me for few minutes and then came back to check my temperature.

I feel so blessed. In a way she kindda know what to do to jaga orang sakit. Hoho. Hopefully she will continue taking care of us when she grow up.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

To do list : moving to a new house

So many things to do but very limited time we have. Setakat ni beberapa things-to-do dah dikenalpasti.

1. Grille
2. Plaster ceiling
3. Wiring
4. Plumbing
5. Kitchen cabinet
6. Window n sliding door tinted (if needed)
7. Curtains
8. Lights and fans
9. Wall painting (or wall coverings)

These are the basic things. Sebab rumah kitorang ni glass semua tak ada tinted and tak ada table top kat dapur pun (some of my friends they bought a house complete with tinted n table top. Dah dapat jimat di situ).

Anyhow, lets just pray that everything will went well. I'll update on our experience looking for the right person who fit the job later.

Till then..

On a second note:
Hannah is 2! We had a great time preparing for her birthday party and Alhamdulillah the party went well. Lucky that her birthday fall on Saturday. Will cover that later.

Happy birthday, love! Mummy and daddy love you so much. May you become a good Muslim and daughter. <3

Monday, August 6, 2012

Something Said By Usain Bolt

nounThe sudden release of something held under pressure or tension

And so i snapped! About something.

I was trying to cool myself down while browsing on the Olympic 2012 100m men final results. Then I saw this beautiful phrases said by Usain Bolt - The Gold Medalist a.k.a the world fastest man. AGAIN. He was back on track.

"Without a doubt, hands down, [being at] the top is harder than anything else," Bolt said. "When you get to the top, you know it's good. You're working and enjoying it. Sometimes you lose sight of what's going on around you. Yeah, you know what it takes to get there, but sometimes you lose sight because everybody is praising you, everybody thinks you're great and 
you're doing well."

Wish I could get back to my "track" AGAIN.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WW: Happy 4th Anni!

: Happy 4th Anniversay Sayang :

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sushi for Hannah

I made sushi for Hannah's lunch today. It's my first time, so please excuse the cacatness and the longgarness of the roll.

It was inspired by this site which I googled yesterday. I think the one I made today looked more like California roll. Ouh, I dont have any sushi roller, so I just used whatever I have in the kitchen.

All I need :

a bowl of rice ( I use nasi lembik for Hannah)
a piece of thin telur dadar
slices of carrot
Spinach (blanched)
Minced beef (slightly fried)

To do the rolling :
Plastic wrapper
Big flat plate

Method (I should have take some pictures. Maybe for the next time) :

Put the plastic wrapper over the plate.
For this time, i use the inside out sushi roll method. But I replace the nori with the telur dadar.
then I arrange the carrot+spinach+minced beef together.
Start rolling (I have to polish this skill. Ngee)

After finish rolling, use the sharpest knife in you kitchen to cut it, or it'll get all smudgy and serabut.

So, there it goes. TA-DAAA!

~ Made with full of love ~
It's ready to be served.

Ouh by the way, it took about 15minutes to prepare the sushi (i cook the rice earlier). It's simple-time saving-not-to mention-delisius sushi.

Try it if you like it!

p/s: I seriously want to have a sushi-me-time, but the workload always hold be back. Haish. 
p/s/s: I think I dont have to join the sushi making class by Sushi King anymore. 
(mode: frust bila tak dapat join the first class they had on April)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hannah on Malang Itu Tak Pernah Berbau

I had a futsal game yesterday. After the match, my husband and I fetch Hannah from the nursery and headed to Giant to buy some things. Before that we stopped at Petronas to perform Asar.

Incident 1:
Hannah's fingers tersepit kat pintu surau lelaki. She was crying her lungs out. I was caming out from surau perempuan and ran towards her, hold and hug her, then she stopped crying. But still sobbing. T-T

Incident 2:
She was with hubby at surau lelaki in Giant (to perform Maghrib). I was having a little discussion with one of the vendor there. When they were entering the surau, Hannah was just behind him, when hubby thought the door wont shut until we push it. But not! The door shut after he let it go and BANG! it hit Hannah's face on the left side. Crying her lungs out AGAIN! Berbirat muka anak dara tu. T-T

Incident 3:
Its my turn to perform Maghrib and Hannah followed me. She refused to be with hubby as its her tu-tu (susu) time. Hubby told me to be careful as the ablution corner is in the same room and its not hiding behind any wall. He afraid that Hannah might go there and play around the slippery floor and fall down. And I said "No problem". Being Hannah who never stay still, she wandered around the surau. I was at my 2nd rakaat when I hear a big "DUM" and came out her voice. Ya rabbi! I just cant help myself to turned then I remember that I was still praying! There were 2 kind hearted ladies who help to pick her up and hold and pujuk her. She was screaming and crying (AGAIN!). I quickly finish my solat and hold her to my arm. Then she stopp screaming and crying but sobbing.

I told her to ALWAYS REMEMBER WHAT I WANT HER TO DO. and she gave me a nod. huhuhuhuhu. Seriously, that day, she had 2 jari (kiri) terkepit, muka (kiri) berbirat and bonjol di kepala! And mummy lost her game! 

Photo? You think I would post her picture here? no way!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WW : Hannah, Book & Headband

: Always with the book and bunga purple di kepala :

Friday, April 6, 2012

Purple Food, Anyone?

Rasanya ini merupakan entry pertama yang menunjukkan makanan Hannah. Selama ni, tak pernah saya post di blog ni. I dont know why *dah abandon blog for a year and yet saying you dont know why*

Harini I made Hannah cheesy keria with prune. Selalu guna sweet potato yang warna oren but today I choose the one yang warna purple.

Hannah seems very excited by the color. Rugi tak snap gambar dia.

Here's the recipe :

Keledek purple (dah direbus)
cebisan prune
1 tbs cream cheese

Method :

Campur semua bahan-bahan dan bulat-bulatkan supaya jadi bentuk ring.
Goreng (minyak sikit sangat) or just bakar
(Suhu 180 - 200 for 15 - 20minit - bergantung pada jenis oven)

Then ready to serve!

Menu ni sesuai sebagai finger food untuk bayi 8 bulan ke atas. Jika nak jamukan kepada baby 6 bulan pon boleh, cuma tak perlu tambah cheese. Untuk adult pon sesuai juga~

Enjoy the meal!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I never did this before. Abandoning my blog for a year!


Yeah, well.. Life's good now.

Except for Hannah who's not happy with her friends and skool.

I really hope I can do something with this. A little "investigation" for a start?