Monday, May 31, 2010

Pelatih PTD Meninggal Dunia

Berita Harian Online | Pelatih PTD yang jalani latihan ala komando meninggal dunia

KLANG: pelatih Pagawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD), Norhashimah Wahid, 30, yang sebelum ini dimasukkan ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahiman (HTAR), di sini akibat jangkitan paru-paru ketika menjalani latihan ala komando di kem latihan di Banting, meninggal dunia jam 6.40 pagi tadi.

Ibu kepada seorang anak itu, yang sebelum ini bekerja di sektor perbankan, mula menjalani latihan asas itu sebagai syarat kelayakan untuk menjadi PTD.


Innalillah untuk pegawai ni.. I'm speechless when I read this~

Friday, May 14, 2010

Attention to All Facebook Users

I checked my mail today and I found this informative article.. Just to share some knowledge.

7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook
by Consumer Reports Magazine
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
provided by

Using a Weak Password

Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile

It's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.

Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls

For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.

Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption

Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.

Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home

That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.

Letting Search Engines Find You

To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.

Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised

Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

So now, watch out fellas!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Benefits of Carb

Last week, I did my routine check up kat klinik kerajaan. This is my second (and probably my last) visit. Tak suka datang sini. Tak best.

I gained about 2kg in a month (which sepatutnya I should only gain 500g per month). So the nurse said I should take less carb from now on. So I followed her advice.

Last weekend I managed to eat less (as in sehari sekali je makan nasi) carb than I usually take, and I did it.

But today, when it's only 11am, my stomach is singing dah~


Betul ke ni? Selamatkah if tidak makan nasi or karbohidrat yang banyak?I think people say preggers should take more calories thank normal women~ Kan?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

We're Going Nowhere!

Sape tengok game Selangor vs Johor FC semalam? Well.. Selangor menang dengan 4 - 1.

But to me, the firstgoal Johor FC adalah sepatutnya dikira and third goal dari Selangor adalah sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat TIDAK ADIL.

Gila okeh!

Sesape yang tengok mesti FRUST gila dengan mutu pengadilan pengadil FAM. Serious! Not that saya sokong Johor FC ke tidak, tapi pengadil adalah totally tidak adil! Sah-sah!

Saya cuba jugak cari video untuk kedua-dua goal yang diberi percuma oleh pengadil tu, tapi tak dapat.

Well, I try to explain. Hope you guys dapat what I'm trying to say.

First goal Johor FC :

Sepatutnya dikira sebab last man Selangor berada betul-betul di garisan gol. So TIDAK berlaku off-side di situ. Tapi si line's-men sengal itu angkat bendera (menandakan ianya off-side). Gila!! Pengadil adil ke macam ni? So goal tu adalah tak dikira. Daymn kan?

Third goal Selangor:

Pemain no.8 Selangor : Safiq Rahim bawak bola dan 'buat-buat' jatuh dalam kotak penalti (takde orang tolak pon sebab dia jatuh sangat jauh dari defend Johor FC. Jatuh yang takde orang push or challenge pun. Well, biasa la kan taktik-taktik jatuh dalam kotak penalti untuk dapat penalti kick ni, tapi ko agak-agak la... Nak berlakon pon buat lebih macho sket bole? (walaupun macho makan diri kann~).

And guess what, referee keluarkan kad kuning. Nampak macam fair to me at first. Tapi then saya adalah sangat terkejut sebab kad tu bukan untuk si Safiq ni (sebab berlakon bodoh kan), tapi untuk defend Johor FC. Like hell why?

And Selangor buta-buta dapat penalti. Penalti tu masuk gol la pulak... frust gila tengok player Johor FC.

Silly mann~

Soooooooooooooo unprofessional both the pengadil n Safiq Rahim. I hate you even more Selangor team!!

: boooo :

Macam ni Malaysia nak maju ke depan dalam sukan Bola Sepak? Nak masuk Piala Dunia macamni? Dengan player yang sangat tak pro ni? Dont think twice people, think zillions time! Heh.

And I just nak tunggu apa jawapan FAM (if any).

p.s. If i had a boy nanti, I wont let him play football like a looser.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Macho Makan Diri

Pagi-pagi ni saya ternampak satu quotation :

"Many things are DIFFICULT BEFORE they are EASY"

So.. let's forget about all the bad things dan mari bersuka ria.

Anyway, selama ni saya selalu cuba mengelakkan diri dari berasa lemah atau dilayan sebagai orang yang lemah (nak being macho la konon). Tapi skang ni baru sedar kerana ianya adalah memakan diri. Heh!

Saya rasa macho bila :

saya tidak mengalami sebarang morning sickness, mengidam nak makan apa-apa dan seolah-olah saya adalah tidak "berdua". Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi la kan sebab orang lain siap ada yang kena masuk wad. Saya juga berasa macho sebab saya bukanlah penangis.

Tapi macho itu memakan diri apabila :

Saya diuji dengan menda lain, seperti hati ini sangat fragile dan saya asyik menangis dan berasa terharu. Saya boleh menangis atas pelbagai sebab, sesimple simple sebab pun, seperti mendengar cerita pasal orang dapat baby dan membaca artikel pasal orang buang bayi. Saya bukanlah penangis seperti ini. Tetapi kini saya adalah penangis tegar.


Saya merasa macho bila :

Saya masih boleh memakai kasut tumit tinggi (er.. takde la 3 inc. 2 inch saja) walaupun pada ketika itu saya sudah 3 (approaching 4) bulan.

Tapi ianya memakan diri apabila :

Saya mengalami sakit pinggang yang agak teruk dan ianya menjadi lebih dahsyat bila saya nak tunduk pakai kain ataupun memakai kain semayang dan terpaksa menunduk untuk masukkan kaki. Teruk! Sebab kebanyakan orang hanya mengalami sakit pinggang ketika 6 bulan ke atas. Haih!

Saya merasa macho bila :

Saya masih boleh pakai baju-baju ofis termasuk baju kurung yang ikut badan itu.

Tapi ianya memakan diri apabila :

Senak perut haku bila nak sujud dan rukuk. Akhirnya saya tukar uniform. Dan selepas itu, saya boleh rasa budak ini bergerak dengan kerapnya. Alahai.. Sian awak!

Rasanya cukup sahaja saya menjelaskan keadaan saya yang macho dan memakan diri. Banyak lagi kerja-kerja gila yang macho dan masih saya buat seperti ingin berjogging dan saya juga main badminton. Tak perlu saya cakap keadaan yang memakan diri lepas saya buat kerja-kerja gila ini. Nanti puan-puan jangan buat macam ni ye. Sila sedar diri sebelum ianya makan diri.

Moral of the story : Macho itu makan diri!

Haih... I need to exercise ~

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jangan Ada Benci .. Yeah Right!!

Yesterday was supposed to be the day of celebration. Full of celebrations! Lotsa things to celebrate kan. But unfortunately, it turned out to be disasterous! I've been thinking a lot whether I should write this or not, but if I don't, I'm afraid that this will affect me and my lil one.



I'm insane now!

I wish she's here that I don't hafta tell him my feeling when I feel bad, and in the end, by telling him, I hurt myself even worst! I couldnt stand anymore as this is totally NOT THE FIRST TIME. I couldnt understand myself too, why on earth did I tell him though I know he will do that again? Why on earth should I trust him, AGAIN?! Foolish! I am completely a fool!

To him:

I hate you and I will never forgive you. And jangan harap I will share stories with you anymore. Looser!

To her:

I really wish you're here. I miss you pretty badly.

I am emotionally hurt. And I don't like it!