Thursday, April 15, 2010

Revenge is Sweet Juga~

I read this quotation and it really melts my heart. It means a lot to me.. It can be applied in a lot of situations. It's written by Dr. Daniel T Drubin in his book Letting Go of Your BANANAS.

"I have been told that the way they used to capture monkeys in Africa was by placing bananas in the bottoms of narrow-neck jars. In an effort to remove the banana, the monkey would put its hand into the jar and grab on to the banana. Unwilling to let go, the monkey was now stuck with a jar on its hand."

"The only way to go beyond where you are in your life is by being willing to let go of the things, people, habits and beliefs that keep you where you are instead of where you want to be."

Kadang-kadang, kita adalah sangat mengharapkan sesuatu. Dan apabila yang diharapkan adalah tidak tercapai, we tend to feel so frustated. And even sometime ada orang bole jadi gilak~

Ada jugak masa bila orang dengki dengan apa yang kita ada, dan cuba buat apa saja so that we finally let go of that thing we have. Some people couldn't see it and accept that there are actually scissors under the blanket.

Yeah so it's true.

Ini membuatkan kita rasa tak puas hari and nak balas dendam. To get the self satisfaction! To gain back our dignity! Sebab kita nak cakap,

"In you face!! Padan muka ko! Dengki sangat dengan aku kan! Hammek!!! "

Coz people says that revenge is sweet. But what do they know about revenge? Those people who have this in their heart sebenarnya adalah tidak waras. Dan hati adalah tidak suci juga~

The best thing is to forgive and forget.

You see, if you forgive and forget, you'll fine the true peace of mind and peace in your heart.

Revenge is SOMETIMES sweet, BUT forgive is EVEN SWEETER~

You forgive, forget and move on~ That's the most important and best thing to do, right.. Why waste so much time on the bad things? We're suppose to enjoy every minutes and every seconds in our life~

So people, cheer up! Forgive and forget and move on~

Til then, take care people!

p.s. And yeah, so happen that I accidentally watched Glee last night. They sang this song called You Can't Always Get What You Want.

" You can't always get what you want
but if you try sometime, you'll find
You get what you need"

3 thought(s):

didi said...


Betul la. Tapi saya LEBIH happy kalau revenge dulu, then forgive & maybe forget.

Huh, baru puaasss dan tenang


Lady said...

hahah~ bagus! janji kepuasan tu ada.. ngehngehngeh~

Bella Enveeus said...

it take a lot of willpower utk just forgive n forget.. but if ure in my position, kepenatan ke atas perkara tu yg membuat i tak kuasa dah..