Monday, April 12, 2010

Lost For Words

I had a bad weekend.

Saya lihat Kedah kalah..
Saya lihat MU hanya mampu seri..

dan yang paling penting..

Kembar-pegawai-tinggi saya dah pegi dah.. Dah selamat sampai~

Seriously, I have no words to say, and finally, I let 'it' express how I feel.

Yeah..yeah.. yeah..

I should be glad and thankful. For everything that happened.



I'm still looking for words...





Can't find any.

ok la~


p.s. for the past few months I hardly sleep well. Selalu sangat bermimpi and I don't really like it. But last night I had this dream. One of my friend had just safely given birth to a baby boy. Maybe I'm thinking of her too much. Or MAY BE she really did. :) If she does, well, I found a perfect word for you. Congrats!

4 thought(s):

thesweetlittlecat said...

aku pun mls dah nak komen pasal MU.. rooney takde sume tak menjadi kan beb???

dihar dah pegi erk? aku tak tau pun.. tak sempat nak wish luck kat die..

Unknown said...

beb... thanx for the card... very good reminders for me... hehehe...

Lady said...


kiera: pasrah sangat dengan MU kan.. tetibe aku rasa, rugi jugak takde tevez. hikhik.

diha: aku taktau nak cakap apa dah.. i hope it helps. hehe. im gonna miss u~

nn said...

takpe. next time ada lagi bola. hehe

be happy :)