Thursday, April 29, 2010

Next Destination - Kuching~

Rasa macam nak sangat p vacation kat island. Beaches.. lepak-lepak tepi pantai.. Ouh sungguh indah! Dah lama tak jumpa pantai+laut+angin bayu menderu.

: Dream vacay - Sipadan :

Tapi apakan daya, dah ada orang belikan tiket pegi Kuching. Layankan saja. Kuching pon Kuching la.. Semoga larat lagi nak berjalan banyak.. Mana tempat best nak visit kat Kuching eh?

p.s. semalam someone said "I'm eating some strawberries and it reminds me of u". Eheh~ terubat windu~

Saturday, April 24, 2010


hohoho.. Baru perasan yang si mommy muda ni ada bagi saya award. Terima kasih Cik Puan Izza..

: Lovely :

Thanks mommy~ *hug*

Well.. setiap award ni datang bersekali dengan sesuatu la kan.


Apa yang perlu dibuat adalah..

1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award

2. PassThis award onto 15 blogger you're recently discovered and think are fantastic

i. tina
ii. kiera
iii. mardeq
iv. Ila di perantauan
v. Isz (welcome back bro. dah lama tak nengok ko nulis-nulis. :D )
vi. MrsAR
viii. Jiranku
x. Suhana di perantauan jua

dan semua yang nak grab award ni~

3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award.

4. State 7 things about yourself.


Ok. I'll try~

i. Im waiting for another 5 months++ (InsyaAllah) to meet my jr~

ii. Im gaining weight everyday. Haih.. Boleh ke nak loosing weight setiap hari dengan kepantasan yang sama masa gain weight?

iii. I'll be joining my officemates for aktiviti menembak. Dorang p menembak and I'll be having my picnic basket. Gilo. Aktiviti yang diwajibkan p. :(

iv. Bos di ofis saya ni selalu confuse antara saya dan Cik Izdi. Setiap kali dia jumpa saya dia akan berkata "Eh, bila ko start cuti ni?" dan saya dengan politenya akan berkata "Ouh.. bukan.. tu IZdihar.. dia dah cuti dah.. Dah selamat kat sana pon.. " Haih.. Padahal saya lebih gems dan rendah dari Izdi (this time I admit ye Izdi. But not other time). Boleh, dia confuse sebab height kitorang yang lebih kurang ni?

v. June is my favorite month. There'll be double celebrations. Birthday and anniversary.
Hint: dear, I nak 3 hadiah, instead of 2 sebab Im having someone inside here. Thank you.

vi. Sekarang yang saya inginkan adalah strawberi. Tapi nak yang manis punya. Dan saya juga nak makan eskrem choc fudge kat B&R. Jom, sapa nak ikut?!

vii. Saya rindu kawan-kawan saya yang jauh dan dekat di mata, tapi jauh dan dekat di hati jua~


Jadi kawan-kawan, selamat menerima award! :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Persoalan - Somebody please help~

Sejak kebelakangan ni, banyak yang difikirkan. Since it's been four months dah, I think this is the right time to start thinking about this secara detail dan serious.


Since cuma tingga lagi 5 months before my lil junior ni keluar, I have lotsa questions yang berlegar-legar. I dont know mana satu yang I should do first.

1. Bila masa yang sesuai nak beli baju-baju si kecik ni? Like now ke.. tunggu bila dah 7 8 months ke.. tapi larat ke by that time nak jalan-jalan cari barang?
2. Berapa pasang baju yang cukup eh?
3. Nak beli saiz macamana eh? patut beli kecik ke besar? kang beli kecik yang keluar lebih besar ke.. Seriously.. taktau~
4. Patut ke we consider buying a bay cot since akhirnya i gez si kecik ni akan tido sebelah mommy jugak~
5. Nursery ke rumah pengasuh je?

and the most thinkable question adalah

Patut tak I tau gender of this lil junior?

Kalau I can wait for 4 - 5 months untuk tau sex si kecik, takkan I can't wait for another 4-5 months sampai dia keluar kan. Macam surprise la sikit kan. Macam orang dolu-dolu.

Tapi kalau tak tau, berapa lama I can wait to not to know the gender~


I'm getting more nervous.

Semakin hari semakin terbayang-bayang..

Boleh ke aku makin netbol lagi selepas ni eh?

Takkan bawak budak kecik p padang and dok dendiam dalam stroller?


Kalau mommy and daddy ralit tengok MU ke Kedah ke main kat TV, boleh ke control suara untuk tidak menjerit..


p.s. izdi, i'll mail you my pic when im really really "fat"


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Revenge is Sweet Juga~

I read this quotation and it really melts my heart. It means a lot to me.. It can be applied in a lot of situations. It's written by Dr. Daniel T Drubin in his book Letting Go of Your BANANAS.

"I have been told that the way they used to capture monkeys in Africa was by placing bananas in the bottoms of narrow-neck jars. In an effort to remove the banana, the monkey would put its hand into the jar and grab on to the banana. Unwilling to let go, the monkey was now stuck with a jar on its hand."

"The only way to go beyond where you are in your life is by being willing to let go of the things, people, habits and beliefs that keep you where you are instead of where you want to be."

Kadang-kadang, kita adalah sangat mengharapkan sesuatu. Dan apabila yang diharapkan adalah tidak tercapai, we tend to feel so frustated. And even sometime ada orang bole jadi gilak~

Ada jugak masa bila orang dengki dengan apa yang kita ada, dan cuba buat apa saja so that we finally let go of that thing we have. Some people couldn't see it and accept that there are actually scissors under the blanket.

Yeah so it's true.

Ini membuatkan kita rasa tak puas hari and nak balas dendam. To get the self satisfaction! To gain back our dignity! Sebab kita nak cakap,

"In you face!! Padan muka ko! Dengki sangat dengan aku kan! Hammek!!! "

Coz people says that revenge is sweet. But what do they know about revenge? Those people who have this in their heart sebenarnya adalah tidak waras. Dan hati adalah tidak suci juga~

The best thing is to forgive and forget.

You see, if you forgive and forget, you'll fine the true peace of mind and peace in your heart.

Revenge is SOMETIMES sweet, BUT forgive is EVEN SWEETER~

You forgive, forget and move on~ That's the most important and best thing to do, right.. Why waste so much time on the bad things? We're suppose to enjoy every minutes and every seconds in our life~

So people, cheer up! Forgive and forget and move on~

Til then, take care people!

p.s. And yeah, so happen that I accidentally watched Glee last night. They sang this song called You Can't Always Get What You Want.

" You can't always get what you want
but if you try sometime, you'll find
You get what you need"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Berkilauan.. Perkembangan.. Kemajuan..

I'm having my yogurt now. Setap! Stoberi yogurt ni la peneman dan pembuka selera aku bila tekak kering dan rasa nak kunyah-kunyah.

Entri ni dah lama dah cuba buat. Tapi berakhir dengan tajuk sahaja. Sebab setiap kali rasa nak sambung, tiada perkataan yang keluar. So rasanya daripada menggunakan perkataan, better guna some other way to explain, rite?

So here it is.

: me, izdi n Kiera :

We used to be in the same group masa kursus dulu-dulu. Tapi tak sedar. Kita tak rapat pun. Bila terserempak pon (biasanya sangat jarang), kita senyum je kan. We barely talk to each other. Barely ke? I guess sekali je kita borak. Sebab aku ajak ko main netbol n you said you've already in volley team kan? hehe. Kenapa Kiera dalam ini cerita? Hehe.. takde reason.. tapi muka dia paling cun dan duduk depan sekali. Tu yang saje je bulat muka dia jugak. Hikhikhik.

Bila sama-sama dicampak ke office baru, baru laaa kenal siapa si Izdi ni~ Bila dikenang-kenang balik, masa tu kita menambah bilangan officer pompuan kan.. Tak boleh lupa bila aku masuk bilik ko and aku malu-malu nak bercakap sebab nanti senior-senior lelaki semua dengar kita cakap apa. hohoho~ Masa ni nak gossip pon susa~

: sempat jugak kita jadi partner shooter kan :

: the winner celebrates :

: the bride and the bride's maid :

: Kat desaru. After netbol, we watched badminton. Gilo~ :

: :

: blup..blup..blup.. :

We love sports and do many things together. And that's how we become closer and closer. We share things, through thick and thin, and you are the one who'll be the second (after my hubby la kan) to know~ And most importantly, you're my best friend, bride's maid, shooter, defender, futsaller (?) listener and sometimes you become a good counselor too. Your words adalah sangat meaningful (even sometimes you dont even experienced it before pon). But you just know what to say.

You taught me how to cook (from patties to porridge, spaghetti bolognaise, cabonara, mashed potato, and lots more). You're the best cook, you see. And stop saying that you don't know how to cook la.. apa la.. I'm pretty sure bila ko dah balik sini nanti ko dengan anni mesti gumoks! hehe.. To conclude all, YOU'RE THE BEST!

Now that you're gone, I hope you'll still be the person you always be. Bersesuaian dengan maksud nama ko yakni berkilauan, perkembangan dan kemajuan ni, semoga ko kat sana sentiasa tabah dan strong enough to be the best partner for your husband. May you always shine, grow and happier day by day~

You take care okeh! And bring back babieSSS. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lost For Words

I had a bad weekend.

Saya lihat Kedah kalah..
Saya lihat MU hanya mampu seri..

dan yang paling penting..

Kembar-pegawai-tinggi saya dah pegi dah.. Dah selamat sampai~

Seriously, I have no words to say, and finally, I let 'it' express how I feel.

Yeah..yeah.. yeah..

I should be glad and thankful. For everything that happened.



I'm still looking for words...





Can't find any.

ok la~


p.s. for the past few months I hardly sleep well. Selalu sangat bermimpi and I don't really like it. But last night I had this dream. One of my friend had just safely given birth to a baby boy. Maybe I'm thinking of her too much. Or MAY BE she really did. :) If she does, well, I found a perfect word for you. Congrats!