Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sembilan Haribulan Sembilan Tahun Dua Ribu Sembilan


Cantik pulak nombor ni. Sebenarnya kalau nak dikaitkan SEMBILAN dengan hari ni.. ada banyak~

1. Hari ini adalah hari ke SEMBILAN belas kita berpuasa
2. Lagi SEMBILAN hari nak balik kampung (my case la..)
3. Pada jam 19:09 mungkin pada masa ni kita dah ada kat depan meja makan sebab..
4. Tinggal lagi SEMBILAN minit nak berbuka puasa
5. Pada tarikh tu juga, mesti ada orang yang celebrate birthday yang ke-9, atau 19, atau 29, atau mungkin juga 99 tahun. kan?
6. Deep in my heart, I am 9 times happier. Happy for my bestie's perkembangan dalam hidup dia.
7. Pada waktu sekarang ni, saya mempunyai 9 vocabulary yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari lidah saya mahupun ketika di bulan Ramadhan, yakni:

hantar saya balik rumah mak saya!
saje je
keji la dia ni
lu pahal
ya Allah ya Allah
ampeh btoi
homigod!! (dengan mata terbeliak sedikit)
kuang haja btol

8. Hari ini merupakan hari ke-9 saya berbuka puasa dengan kawan-kawan dan keluarga.
9. Saya inginkan sepasang anak kembar. Tapi saya tak dapat bayangkan keadaan perut saya JIKA dan HANYA JIKA saya mengandungkan anak kembar SEMBILAN orang.


Moral of the story:
Setiap orang akan mempunyai 1001 alasan bagi melengkapkan sesuatu yang diinginkan atau pon yang dihajati. Samada secara positif atau negatif. Tapi, pernahkah kita terfikir, yang orang-orang ni sebenarnya sangat kreatif? Kita patut menghargai dorang ni sebab bukan senang mereka alasan. Well.... I know la... I just did! Kekekekekke..

p/s: ouh, apparently this post is gonna be my 119th post! kekekeke~ What a number! Itu Kan Salah~

Don't get me wrong.

Ouh, yes. This has something to do with the previous post. :D


Thank you for supporting me. I'm good. And of course I'm happy for my friend. Who wasn't? Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Sharing is caring and caring is loving. :D

Or was it me who thinks too much?

Ah well.. Life goes on. And surprisingly, I'm moving on.

A little word from my bestie,

I can be upset and heart broken
I thought I've just moved apart
And MAYBE, we're no longer in the same chapter
So I should move on
And appreciate whatever I have now
Why would I chase?
I should stop
Satisfying people is never gonna be easy.. kan?

Life goes on and here I am. Feeling so great and touched and appreciated. I have wonderful people around. Good friends, loving family. Why am I wasting my time feeling like a fool? Haha.. What have I done? I should be living happily and cherished and smile to face the day. Every moment counts!!


I'm great~ Super wonderful.

Thanks kawan-kawan. Without you guys around, my life is just an empty canvas.

Tidak mahu drag lagi ya~ Tamau marah-marah.. bulan puasa.. Nak raya dah ni.. :D

p/s: Mazola satu!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Perasaanku Dengan Perasaanmu. Adakah Secebis Persamaan?

"People don't get along because they fear for each other
People fear each other because they don't know each other
They don't know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other"

Source: Kiera Cute. Eheh.

I'm feeling empty. I just found out that my best friend is 5 weeks pregnant when I browsed through her FB. Through her FB. And not from her herself.

Well, good for her. I have no idea at all. My best friend? Got pregnant? And I don't know about that? Of course I'm happy for her. Who wouldn't? What kindda friend who's not happy with the good news?